Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Students Compete in Moot Court Competition
On Thursday, April 12th Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School students met to compete in the Yeshivah’s annual Moot Court Competition. The students had been working researching legal issues, studying case law and refining arguments in preparation for the competition. Each team consisted of a lawyer, witness and research/fact checker. The teams were responsible for working as a group and putting together a winning strategy that would convince the judges of the merits of their argument. This year’s case involved a famous hip-hop artist and the issue of whether song lyrics can be classified as defamation.
The competition was close and all the teams impressed but specifically deserving merit for the creativity and legal foundations of their argument were Aaron Fine, Leor Yazdi, Barbara Dayan, Bella Dweck and Virginia Dweck.
A special thanks to Robert Adler, Aaron Nadjar, Michael Feldman, Rose and Marry Ftiha for helping to organize a fantastic and academically engaging competition.