The day began with the students arriving at the ferry, which took us to the Statue of Liberty. The instant our boat docked, everyone was buzzing with excitement. For some, riding a ferry was a first time experience, and for many others, visiting the Statue of Liberty was a first too. We were all awed by the size of Lady Liberty, and even more so when we went onto the actual pedestal of the statue, after discovering that our tickets allowed us to do so. Another addition to the morning was an incentive created for us to complete a scavenger hunt handout, rewarding the first 15 students to finish it with extra credit in Jewish History class.
Afterwards, we took a second ferry to Ellis Island and were free to roam around either inside the museum or outside by the Wall of Honor. The museum showed many interesting aspects of the immigrants' arrival at Ellis Island. They had to pass health inspections, show proper documentation, and were often intimidated by the registrars. If they failed to complete these requirements, they could’ve been sent back, which was a big fear of immigrants. It was very insightful seeing what they had to go through in order to start living their new life, or what many considered to be the “American Dream,” and many students connected emotionally because it felt as if we were experiencing history itself the exact way it happened to our ancestors.
This trip was a fun day, spent with much learning and enjoyment, where students and teachers alike were able to step away from the regular school day and step into a piece of history in a relaxed, fun and easygoing way.
~Daliah Ben-Ari, Class of 2018