Monday, May 15, 2017
Pathfinders Update: Real Estate Club Takes Field Trip
Recently, the Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School Real Estate Club went on their second trip visiting Longacre apartments in Manhattan. It was yet another experience to learn first-hand what we've been learning in the classroom provided to us by our Professor Eric Stern in collaboration with the Pathfinders Program and Ms. Shifra Hanon. Starting in the van to the city we discussed our final project which ties together all the key concepts being taught and will culminate in a presentation given to the class. When we got to the building we met with the property manager and a representative from the management company. We spoke about marketing the building and always keeping vacancy rates low. We also toured the gym, lounge, terrace, and an apartment while pointing out how everything comes together to make a successful investment. We all felt this trip helped engage us in the material learned in class. We walked away with a better understanding of how real estate in the real world works. ~ Ezra Faks, Class of 2019