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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Students Intern for Model UN News

Recently, Yeshivah of Flatbush students had the opportunity to be a part of the Montessori Model United Nations as interns of Model UN News. Here are two students' reflections on their experience:

For three days I have been part of the Montessori Model United Nations, as one of the news reporters. I was reporting on behalf of ModelUN news, a press organization that reports the "news" of Model UNs across the world. I was the captain of the other 8 Yeshivah Flatbush interns who were part of the event. We conducted video interviews, podcasts and took pictures. We also did odd jobs like setting up the green screens, and going around manhattan to pick up needed supplies. It was a great experience for me and the other interns overall and I'm glad I went. ~Moses Baskt, Class of 2018

Many of us didn't know what to expect, but that didn't turn us away. We arrived at the Marriott in Times Square very early in the morning and got to work. Our first task was to increase their social media presence. We implemented advanced marketing techniques to "sell" the social media accounts to participants at the event. We also learned about how to acquire the skill set required to be good reporters as we interviewed teachers, students, and parents at the event. Overall this was an outstanding experience where we obtained skills that will be beneficial in the future. ~Eli Feldman, Class of 2018