Colel Chabad's International Awards Dinner recognized Stephanie Franco, the daughter of Michael and Sally Franco, an 11th grader in the Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braveman High School with their Pantry Packers Award. Stephanie visited Pantry Packers this past summer when she was in Israel. The Yeshivah's annual Chesed Mission spends time there every winter break where they repackage bulk food items into family size portions, all done by volunteers. Stephanie was amazed to see first hand how this incredible organization provides food to so many families – more than she ever imagined! This experience inspired her so much that she wanted to continue to be a part of this chesed; she also wanted to give back. She and her family hosted a bake sale/auction in her home to benefit Pantry Packers. Many Yeshivah of Flatbush students baked and supported this chesed project which raised a significant amount of money for Tzedakah. You can read more in this news article. Below is a video of the speech Staphanie gave at Colel Chabad's Annual Dinner: