When this year's freshmen class walked into Flatbush on orientation day a little over a week ago, they didn't know what to expect. Knowing how the transition from elementary school to high school can be difficult, we had our senior mentors on hand to guide the freshmen. The mentors, as well as, the Senior Mentor coordinators have been working over the summer to welcome the 9th graders into our school with open arms. Each group of 2-4 freshmen received one senior mentor, an experienced student who willingly shared their knowledge about getting comfortable in the school and make the freshmen feel at home. We had a series of ice breaker questions to start the day, ranging from their summer activities to their favorite Avenue J restaurant. Here seniors were really able to get to know their freshmen and ease the nerves they may have had. The class of 2018 also had a chance to hear from Rabbi Naftali Besser, Dean of Students, and Victor Zeitoune, SGO President. Students also watched a welcome back video created by the SGO. Finally the freshmen then proceeded to their homerooms to get their metro cards, schedules, and also to talk with their Senior Mentors even more. There are more special programming scheduled for freshmen all part of Welcome Freshman Month. Welcome Freshmen to the Flatbush family! ~Rebecca Zami