Over the past few months Yeshivah of Flatbush students, Jamie Baum and Jeanette Eliezer, interned with the Sephardic Heritage Project doing genealogy research. This was part of our Pathfinders Program.
Read about their experience in their own words:
Over the past few months, we interned for the Sephardic
Heritage Project. Almost every week, we researched the meanings of family
surnames derived from the Brit Milah and marriage records, developing a
database of information to be used for Sephardic genealogical research. Our
sources included some books on the origin and meaning of surnames, as well as
online sources. I enjoyed the internship, as I learned a lot about the
meanings of certain names in various languages, in addition to learning how to
independently conduct research. ~Jamie and Jeanette
Their intenship supervisor, Sarina Roffe, had these nice words to say:
Jamie and Jeanette were
extremely helpful to the Sephardic Heritage Project in identifying the
meanings of last names in our community. This project is devoted to
promoting genealogy in our community. They were reliable, responsible and
sincerely interested in the project. ~Sarina Roffé,
President Sarina Roffé Group
Beginning in 9th grade, the Pathfinders counselors work with each student to discuss their interests and develop their goals. Students are then given a wide range of opportunities of places where they can volunteer, intern and explore their unique academic pursuits and career ideas. Through the Yeshivah of Flatbush Pathfinders Program, we encourage our students to discover and expand their special talents and abilities and explore career options for the future. Whether a student is actively engaged during the school year or in the summer, we are confident that each Yeshivah of Flatbush student will find a path to success.