Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Senior Class Visits 9/11 Memorial: A Reflection
The program was a moving experience that strengthened the bonds between our students and united them as a senior class. Each student had an opportunity to connect with the event and the memorial itself in a special and personal way. Each senior was assigned a victim of the attacks on 9/11, and was asked to gather as much information as they could about the person. At the memorial, our students gathered in small groups and shared the information with other class members. Each student created a commemorative marking of the victim they researched.
The program was extremely moving and special, and the Yeshivah of Flatbush Senior Class of 2012 is honored to have been able to visit and participate in honoring the memories of those lost on that fateful day.
Hebrew Play: Little Shop of Horrors
The Yeshivah of Flatbush High School celebrated this Chanukah with a special hebrew production of Little Shop of Horrors as well as a production from both our Choir and Orchestra. It was an experience enjoyed by the entire student body, the 8th grade from the YOF elementary school, as well as parents and colleagues who had the privilege of participating and attending the productions.
Special thanks to…
- Joey Mandil for volunteering countless hours to perfecting
the details, large and small,
- Junior student Shelly Hafif, for costume design
- The students on the Audio-Visual crew for their efficiency
and dedication,
- Rachel Bargad for the original script translation,
- James, Alex, Jean and the maintenance crew for building the
set and adding their artistic visions to the art and woodwork.
Member of Knesset Tzipi Hotovely visits Flatbush
It was an honor and a pleasure to welcome Member of Knesset Tzipi Hotovely to the Joel Braverman High School last week. A member of the Likud party and the youngest member of the Knesset (now 33 years old), she took time from a busy schedule to meet and speak with about 60 of our students from the Israel Awareness Commission, members of the administration and some faculty. She discussed what makes a good leader, seeking answers through Biblical models as well as modern day examples. She also discussed that for Israel to succeed, it needs to follow its vision, not bow to the will of the world. She stressed her view that all Jews, particularly Jewish youth, should be making aliyah now.
A doctoral candidate in Law, an orthodox woman serving as the Chairperson of the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women, she proudly represents a fervent and unapologetic Zionist platform, firmly based on Jewish principles and values. MK Hotovely engaged the students and faculty in open and lively conversation, and was truly interested in what they had to say. In turn, for our students and faculty, it was an opportunity to meet a unique woman on the path of playing a significant role in Israel's future.
MK Hotovely was in the United States as a guest of the Israel Independence Fund, and was accompanied on her NY visit by its Executive Director Aharon Pulver. Her visit to the High School was coordinated through Rabbi Nissim Elnacave, Jack Mann, Morris Benun, Abe Beyda and Solomon Bendayan. She also spoke over Shabbat at three community synagogues: Beth Torah, Sephardic Synagogue and Mikdash Eliyahu.
YOF Vice President Jack Mann, at whose home MK Hotovely had Shabbat dinner, commented, "She is fearless, honest and straightforward. Driven only by principle, she is not afraid to stand alone for what is right."
Monday, December 26, 2011
DNA Trip for AP Biology
Last week, our school's AP Biology classes participated in two trips to a DNA laboratory. Our students routinely participate in hands on lab experiences that both improve their knowledge of the curriculum, and allow them to successfully complete their curriculum in Advanced Placement (College Level) Biology.
On this trip, students visited a professional DNA lab to study restriction enzyme analysis and bacterial transformation. Our students had the opportunity to use important biotechnology equipment, which gave them hands on experience with the tools used by professionals.
Special thanks to teachers Dr. Fruchter and Rabbi Lubner for organizing this trip. A special thanks to Mrs. Zakay who joined as a second chaperon.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Last week, we sent a delegation of students to participate in an annual Panim El Panim seminar in Washington, D.C.
The seminar had approximately 120 students from 7 schools: Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns & Rockaway (NY); Akiva Hebrew Day School (MI); Hillel Community Day School (FL); Yeshivah of Flatbush (NY); North Shore Hebrew Academy (NY); Beth Tfiloh (MD); and the Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School (NJ).
Our students were split into two groups which discussed different topics throughout the seminar. Some students chose to learn more about the U.S./Economy and Occupy movements, and some chose to discuss the Arab Spring and U.S./Israel policy. In both cases, the students had opportunities to discuss policy with senate and house representatives, participate in service components and volunteer for charitable organizations as well as listen to experts debate the topics at hand.
Students on this trip had the opportunity to participate hands on in research, lobbying and overall political activism and awareness.
Special thanks to Mrs. Marcus and Mr. Engel for chaperoning the trip.
The seminar had approximately 120 students from 7 schools: Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns & Rockaway (NY); Akiva Hebrew Day School (MI); Hillel Community Day School (FL); Yeshivah of Flatbush (NY); North Shore Hebrew Academy (NY); Beth Tfiloh (MD); and the Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School (NJ).
Our students were split into two groups which discussed different topics throughout the seminar. Some students chose to learn more about the U.S./Economy and Occupy movements, and some chose to discuss the Arab Spring and U.S./Israel policy. In both cases, the students had opportunities to discuss policy with senate and house representatives, participate in service components and volunteer for charitable organizations as well as listen to experts debate the topics at hand.
Students on this trip had the opportunity to participate hands on in research, lobbying and overall political activism and awareness.
Special thanks to Mrs. Marcus and Mr. Engel for chaperoning the trip.
Holding on While Letting Go- a Parent Choices Program
Last week, our Guidance department, along with our Parent Choices Commission, set up a special program for high school seniors and their parents, titled "Holding On While Letting Go."
The program provided an opportunity for parents to discuss with faculty and students what options are available to their children, and the role that they play as parents in guiding their children to make the right decisions.
The program began with breakfast and a short orientation, and then continued with interactive discussions between students, parents and faculty about the various challenges and options that arise once a student reaches the end of their high school career.
SGC Berachot Raffle Winner
Congratulations to Michelle Sabbagh, winner of the iPad2 raffle conducted by our Spiritual Growth Commission as part of a Berachot Contest!
Junior Seminar
Our Juniors had a blast over the weekend last week at our annual Junior Seminar weekend retreat. On this Shabbaton we explored the important theme of responsibility. We discussed issues concerning responsibility while driving, responsibility in relationships with family and friends, and the responsibility in the relationship with Hashem.
Our students enjoyed sessions, games, singing, and special rikudim (singing and dancing) with children from the Special Children's Center, which added to the spiritually uplifting and educational weekend.
Special thanks to Rabbi Besser for orchestrating this exceptional weekend!
We are collecting all types of canned food for the
SBH food pantry. The drive is being held on Rosh Chodesh Tevet: Tuesday,
December 27th/1 Tevet. Please bring in cans. We need all
the cans we can get!! Please join in and help out!
Thank you,
Thank you,
Friday, December 23, 2011
Senior Chanukah Party!
On Wednesday December 21, the Senior Council put together a Chanukah program for the 12th grade. The evening began with mincha and arbit, and continued with wonderful entertainment, a Dvar Torah and dinner. Featured performers: Rabbi Beyda, Rabbi Benlulu, Joseph Khezrie, Ezra Hochman and Steven Burekhovitch wowed the crowd with their own version of Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song. All of the seniors were assigned "secret Maccabees" for whom they bought a small gift. The gifts were exchanged over a Pizza Time dinner, sponsored by our Senior Council, that everyone enjoyed. The program was a big success!!
Special thanks to our wonderful band who provided excellent entertainment:
Ariell Bitton - guitar
Solly Spigel- drums
Steven Burekhovich- bass
Akiva Abromowitz- vocals
Special thanks to our Senior Council and Rabbi Beyda
Batya Abadie, President
Herbie Missry, Vice President
Richie Mishaan, Secretary
Iris Senior, Treasurer
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Cooking For a Cause: Round Four
Cheese Sambusak
Wednesday night was our fourth Cooking for a Cause event, run by
our Helping the Hungry commission. The commission cooks for the needy
in our community on Wednesday nights, after school. This week our students learned how to make cheese sambusak. Students learn to
prepare a variety of entrees, dinners, and desserts while participating.
All of the food prepared in these events are sent to needy families who
can then enjoy delicious homemade dinners. For more information about
this commission, read this previous post: We would like to thank our master chef: Jaime Shamosh.
Here is the cheese sambusak recipe that Jaime Shamosh shared with us from her grandmother Mary Esses:
2 glasses flour sifted
1 glass smead
3 sticks butter melted
1 tablespoon salt
Splash of oil
1/2 glass water
8 handful of cheese grated
2 eggs
Sesame seeds
To make the dough: Mix the dry ingredients in a Cuisinart and then slowly add butter, water,and oil.
To make cheese filling: Mike eggs with grated cheese.
Form dough balls with the dough, and cheese balls with the cheese filling.
Take dough ball and dip it into sesame seeds then press it in the tortilla press to make it flat.
Add cheese ball to center of dough and then pinch to close.
Freeze or bake.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Chesed Mission Race 2011
For more information about or to donate to the Chesed Mission please contact Rabbi Besser at 1-718-377-1100 ext.175
Friday, December 16, 2011
Special AIPAC Mention
Here is an excerpt from the article:
AIPAC-trained students at Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School in Brooklyn, NY organized an intensive, 4-hour political leadership seminar, which was attended by more than 150 students from eight Jewish high schools in theNew York tri-state area.
AIPAC Early Engagement Director Eric Gallagher, AIPAC Senior National Field Organizer Michael Citron, and AIPAC-trained activist Joey Cohen-Saban led sessions focusing on current events in the Middle East, Capitol Hill, and how students can involve themselves in the American political process. As a result, students are already planning to engage their elected officials.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sunday Morning Learning
Many Yeshivah of Flatbush students, parents, alumni, and faculty crowded into the school early this past Sunday morning for our Sunday Morning Learning program. Sunday Morning Learning is an extracurricular Torah learning program that is held once a month. The program starts off with Tefilah at 9:00 am followed by a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, students gather in Chavrutot to study the sources that will be discussed in a shiur that follows. The shiur is an exciting lesson given by a member of the Flatbush faculty. The most recent shiur was given to us by Ms. Julie Anzaroot, one of our beloved teachers. Her shiur was inspiring and interesting. This week's Program was dedicated in memory of Taly Greenfeld Cohen & Daniel Chernikoff by the Hanon family.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Rikudiah Dance Competition
On Saturday night, December 3rd, the Yeshivah of Flatbush dance team competed in Hillel Yeshiva’s Rikudiah Dance Competition. Hillel, Magen David, Illan, Shulamith, Kushner, Frisch, and the Yeshivah of Flatbush competed in this Rikudiah, and Flatbush proudly placed second. Captains Barbara Dayan and Kimi Hamadani and the rest of the team organized practices Tuesday and Thursday nights as well as Sundays. Sheri Torgueman and Barbara Dayan choreographed the team’s four-minute dance that performed at Hillel Yeshiva. The dance ranged from lyrical and hip-hop to Kimi Hamadani’s tap dancing. In placing second, the team was awarded a sum of money to donate to the charity of their choice. Since the competition was held in Hillel, the team decided to give the money to the Jherin Gorcey A”H Foundation which is raising money for a Mikveh and a girls’ Bet Midrash in Eatontown; Jherin Gorcey A”H was a Hillel High School student who passed away last year. The Yeshivah of Flatbush dance team will be hosting its own second annual dance competition on March 18th in the Yeshivah. We hope that all girls and women will come to this event to support Flatbush.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Cooking for a Cause: Round Three
Wednesday night was our third Cooking for a Cause event, run by
our Helping the Hungry commission. The commission cooks for the needy
in our community on Wednesday nights, after school. Students learn to
prepare a variety of entrees, dinners, and desserts while participating.
All of the food prepared in these events are sent to needy families who
can then enjoy delicious homemade dinners. For more information about
this commission, read this previous post: We would like to thank our master chef Robyn Dweck assisted by Lisa Klein.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
YU/Stern Trip
Today, our Juniors had the opportunity to visit YU and Stern. The students enjoyed a shiur, a tour of the facilities and much more. The program was a joint venture between our Spiritual Growth Commission and College Guidance. The students had an opportunity to experience a Jewish college lifestyle, including chavrutah shiurs and interacting with YU/Stern Fellowship students.
Battle of the Bands
In the spirit of the upcoming Chanukah holiday, the Joel Braverman High School's SGO, with the help of faculty adviser Ms. Rina Zerykier, organized their second annual interschool Battle of the Bands. Kushner, SAR and Flatbush students performed a Hebrew and an English song in celebration of Chanukah. Kushner sang the hit song Paradise by Coldplay and Elijah Hanavi, while SAR sang Miami 2017 by Billy Joel and Ahavat Yisroel. Flatbush sang Yellow by Coldplay and then Salam as their Hebrew song. Each school put on a great show and the enthusiastic audience enjoyed singing along with the bands. We were privileged to have Flatbush alumni Jack Mizrahi, Rena Nasser and the hit band RJ2 participate and judge the performance. All the groups were excellent, but in the end, SAR won the battle.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Hausdorff Tournament
On December 1st-4th, the 16th annual Thomas Hausdorff Memorial Basketball Tournament and Shabbaton honoring our late principal was held in our school. Players from three yeshivah high schools joined our Junior Varsity for the tournament: Akiva from Detroit, Cooper from Memphis, and Kushner from New Jersey. The tournament began Thursday with a wonderful Yachad program and continued throughout the weekend with exciting basketball games, a meaningful Shabbaton and an inspiring closing ceremony. We want to thank all the families who opened their homes to our guests, especially Steve & Michelle Sasson, who organized a beautiful Oneg Shabbat Friday night program with divrei Torah and zemirot; Eric & Suzanne Sasson, who enhanced our Shabbat afternoon with good company and sweet delights; and Steven & Amy Sasson, whose special touch at Seudah Shlisheet made everyone feel like family. Mr. Mike Gelber, Ms. Rebecca Silberman and Rabbi Naftali Besser coordinated the event. Special congratulations go to our great junior varsity team for bringing home the championship trophy.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The Phoenix Online: Second Edition
The second edition of The Phoenix, the school's online newspaper, was recently published. Check out these amazing articles:
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
AIPAC Symposium
We are so excited to host our second annual special inter-school AIPAC Symposium on Thursday, December 1, 2011. Our Israel Awareness Commission organized the event, which hosts student from multiple schools.
Here is our itinerary!
Dec 12011 Session Grid
Here is our itinerary!
Dec 12011 Session Grid
Monday, November 28, 2011
Berachot Posters
The wonderful members of the Spiritual Growth Commission, in conjunction with the art department, just unveiled these beautiful berachot posters which are located around the school. These posters will help remind us to find the beauty in everyday berachot. Special thanks to the SGC and Rabbi BenLulu for their support and contributions.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Cooking for a Cause: Round Two
Last Wednesday night was our second Cooking for a Cause event, run by our Helping the Hungry commission. The commission cooks for the needy in our community on Wednesday nights, after school. Students learn to prepare a variety of entrees, dinners, and desserts while participating. All of the food prepared in these events are sent to needy families who can then enjoy delicious homemade dinners. For more information about this commission, read this previous post: We would like to thank our sponsors and chefs: Mrs. Paullete Goldstein Dweck and Mrs. Rosie Goldstein Dayan.
To register, sponsor, or volunteer for these events please email:
Rochelle Dweck or Shifra Hanon
To register, sponsor, or volunteer for these events please email:
Rochelle Dweck or Shifra Hanon
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Students Shine in WordMasters Challenge!!
Four teams of students representing the Yeshivah of Flatbush recently won highest honors in this year's WordMasters Challenge, a national competition for high school students requiring close reading and analysis of many different kinds of prose and poetry. Participating with 548 school teams from all across the country, the school's ninth graders tied for fourth place in the nation in the year's first meet, held in October, while its tenth graders tied for seventh place, and its eleventh and twelfth graders both placed first in the nation. The teams were supervised by Shifra Hanon.
Several of the school's students won high honors for individual achievement as well: Sophomore Sam Franco, Juniors Hymie Anteby, Norman Greenberg and Rivka Last and seniors Yaron Marciano and Eliana Schwartz all earned perfect scores in the meet, while in the entire country only 25 tenth graders, only 10 eleventh graders and only five twelfth graders did so. At the same time, freshmen Joey Cohen, Florence Dweck, Sara Natkin, Rebecca Zami and Shani Zenilman, sophomores Andrew Hirsh, Bob Husni and Albert Mishan, Juniors Rachel Erani, Jessamyn Sutton and Tali Zenilman placed, respectively, among the 65 highest-scoring ninth graders, the 108 highest - scoring tenth graders, the 32 highest-scoring eleventh graders, and the 36 highest-scoring twelfth graders nationwide. More than 54,000 students from across the country (and from four foreign nations) participated in the meet.
Several of the school's students won high honors for individual achievement as well: Sophomore Sam Franco, Juniors Hymie Anteby, Norman Greenberg and Rivka Last and seniors Yaron Marciano and Eliana Schwartz all earned perfect scores in the meet, while in the entire country only 25 tenth graders, only 10 eleventh graders and only five twelfth graders did so. At the same time, freshmen Joey Cohen, Florence Dweck, Sara Natkin, Rebecca Zami and Shani Zenilman, sophomores Andrew Hirsh, Bob Husni and Albert Mishan, Juniors Rachel Erani, Jessamyn Sutton and Tali Zenilman placed, respectively, among the 65 highest-scoring ninth graders, the 108 highest - scoring tenth graders, the 32 highest-scoring eleventh graders, and the 36 highest-scoring twelfth graders nationwide. More than 54,000 students from across the country (and from four foreign nations) participated in the meet.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Rabbi Harari Visits our Students in Israel
This past week, our Rosh HaYeshivah, Rabbi Dr. Raymond Harari, visited our students who are spending a year of study in Israel. Rabbi Harari noted that it was wonderful to see our former seniors adjusting to their new environments and growing intellectually, emotionally and religiously. They had an inspiring reunion in the home of Dr. Rochelle Dweck. The atmosphere was warm and engaging, and infused with the unique Flatbush spirit. The students shared thoughts, and stories with each other. It was truly an inspiring day. We are looking forward to much nachat from our students throughout the school year and beyond.
Dine N' Discuss: In memory of Mrs. Suzanne Blaine A'H
This Monday night, students, teachers and parents got together for our second annual Dine N' Discuss. Students and their parents both read The Maze Runner for this special evening. We were treated to a delicious dinner presented by The Prime Cut, where students and parents were able to mingle and discuss their initial impressions of the story.
After that, students and parents split up into groups for parent facilitated discussions on the novel. It was wonderful to see our students and parents connecting and enjoying meaningful discussions about literature.
The second annual event was in memory of our dear teacher and friend Mrs. Suzanne Blaine A"H.
After that, students and parents split up into groups for parent facilitated discussions on the novel. It was wonderful to see our students and parents connecting and enjoying meaningful discussions about literature.
The second annual event was in memory of our dear teacher and friend Mrs. Suzanne Blaine A"H.
We would like to thank our generous sponsors: Ami and Ralph Sasson, Rochelle and Eli Dweck, Gladys and Richard Haddad, Elysse and Isaac Franco, and Sheri and Jeffrey Gindi. As well as the wonderful volunteers and committee members that made this night possible, especially: Maggie Betesh, Sarah Khdideh, Ami Sasson, Rena Ashear, and Celia Gindi.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sports Update: Girls Basketball Defeat Central High School
On October 31, the junior varsity and varsity girls basketball teams played against Central High School for a thrill packed double header.
Flatbush took home the win in both games, with scores of 43-37 Varsity and 43-16 for the Junior Varsity teams. We are looking forward to many more exciting games throughout the year! Stay tuned!
Chesed Trip to the Special Children's Center
On Sunday November 6th, 9 Cheshvan the first Sunday Chesed Day program of the year took place. Thirty students and twenty adults volunteered 7 hours of their Sunday traveling to Lakewood, NJ on a very special visit to the special children center. The program consisted of interaction with the special children through music, art, and dancing. Together we were all able to be there for the children and put smiles on their faces. We were able to be a part of the special children family. What made this trip so unique was the combined chesed of parents and children together.
Here is one student's response to the trip:
My experience at the Special Children's Center was truly amazing. I was touched from the second I walked in. I walked down the hallway and stopped at a Classroom filled with special children. My mouth dropped. I changed within the two minutes of looking at the children. During my time at the center I learned a very important lesson. NEVER EVER take anything for granted NOTHING and to be happy with what I have. At the center I played with the children, sang with them, danced with them, decorated cookies with them, and played pass the present with them. I'll admit it. I cried after a while and realized how lucky I am. Words cannot even describe the experience I had. I will 100% go back again.
If anyone is interested in participating in future Sunday chesed programs please contact Rabbi Besser or Rosette Shammah.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Student Runs in NYC Marathon
Kudos to our very own Carol Dweck who ran the NYC marathon this weekend in memory of our beloved teacher and friend, Mrs. Suzanne Blaine A'H.
Chesed Shel Emet
I was fortunate to be chosen to go with the EKO Commission on Monday October 31st to help clean up the Hebrew Free Burial Association’s Silver Lake Cemetery in Staten Island. I didn’t exactly know what “clean up” meant, but nevertheless I was excited to be doing something that combined the importance of caring for the earth together with chesed. Before we left, we had a brief introduction to the association and about what we would do at the cemetery. What I learned about the Hebrew Free Burial Association made the trip all the more meaningful.
The HFBA is not a typical burial society. It is a non-profit group that handles the burial of Jews with little or no family, and/or that don’t have enough money for a burial. They make sure that all Jews receive a prompt and proper funeral and burial - no matter what their financial means are. The alternative would be for the bodies to be buried in an anonymous mass grave. When the association was created at the end of the nineteenth century, the HFBA first provided burials to immigrants, including Holocaust survivors and refugees from the former Soviet Union as well as the impoverished deceased.
Because the HFBA provides free burials, they often don't have enough money to maintain the cemetery and hire workers. This is why they value volunteers to help them with whatever needs to be done.
I, along with 24 other students, participated in the “clean up” to help maintain the cemetery and allow for the continuation of an extremely special mitzvah that the HFBA is based upon, Chesed Shel Emet, Chesed towards the deceased that cannot be repaid. We raked leaves and brushed snow off the ground around the graves, and collected fallen branches and parts of trees. It wasn't easy (or clean) work, especially in the very cold weather, but it was more than worth the effort. Even though we only worked for two hours, not only did we make a physical difference in the cemetery's appearance, but also it also affected us emotionally. The people who run HFBA dedicate their lives to taking care of those who have no one or nothing to take care of them when they die. The least we can do is to contribute our time to show our support. I was happy and proud to know that I did something worthwhile and I know everyone from Flatbush felt the same way. It was an incredibly rewarding experience to be part of the amazing mitzvah of Chesed Shel Emet.
~Miriam Zami, 3HN
The HFBA is not a typical burial society. It is a non-profit group that handles the burial of Jews with little or no family, and/or that don’t have enough money for a burial. They make sure that all Jews receive a prompt and proper funeral and burial - no matter what their financial means are. The alternative would be for the bodies to be buried in an anonymous mass grave. When the association was created at the end of the nineteenth century, the HFBA first provided burials to immigrants, including Holocaust survivors and refugees from the former Soviet Union as well as the impoverished deceased.
Because the HFBA provides free burials, they often don't have enough money to maintain the cemetery and hire workers. This is why they value volunteers to help them with whatever needs to be done.
I, along with 24 other students, participated in the “clean up” to help maintain the cemetery and allow for the continuation of an extremely special mitzvah that the HFBA is based upon, Chesed Shel Emet, Chesed towards the deceased that cannot be repaid. We raked leaves and brushed snow off the ground around the graves, and collected fallen branches and parts of trees. It wasn't easy (or clean) work, especially in the very cold weather, but it was more than worth the effort. Even though we only worked for two hours, not only did we make a physical difference in the cemetery's appearance, but also it also affected us emotionally. The people who run HFBA dedicate their lives to taking care of those who have no one or nothing to take care of them when they die. The least we can do is to contribute our time to show our support. I was happy and proud to know that I did something worthwhile and I know everyone from Flatbush felt the same way. It was an incredibly rewarding experience to be part of the amazing mitzvah of Chesed Shel Emet.
~Miriam Zami, 3HN
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Cooking for a Cause
Last night was our first Cooking for a Cause event, run by our Helping the Hungry commission. The commission cooks for the needy in our community on Wednesday nights, after
school. Students learn to prepare a variety of entrees,
dinners, and desserts while participating. All of the food prepared in these events are sent to needy families who can then enjoy delicious homemade dinners. For more information about this commission, read this previous post:
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Special Rosh Chodesh Presentation
On Friday, our students participated in a very special Rosh Chodesh program that celebrated Gilad Shalit's safe return home. The program started off with an inspirational discussion with Rabbi N. Besser, Dean of Students, as well as a moving video portraying Gilad's journey home (below). The program was followed by the first Rosh Chodesh Kumzits and Rikkudim of the year.
Participating in a special Yeshivah of Flatbush program and Kumzits is an experience that is so special and cannot be found anywhere else. Here are some photos that capture those moments for us:
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Suzanne Blaine Dine and Discuss Program
The Suzanne Blaine Dine and Discuss Program is fast
approaching! On Monday, November 7 at 6pm, registered parents will meet
students in the gym for dinner followed by group discussions of The Maze Runner by James Dashner. We look forward to a fun evening filled with stimulating
conversations. To make the evening enjoyable for all those attending please be
sure to finish reading the book before Dine and Discuss. The second book in the trilogy, The Scorch Trials, will be
available for purchase at the Dine and Discuss check-in desk. If a
facilitator has not contacted you yet regarding your group placement please
call 917-921-0898.
The Suzanne Blaine Dine and Discuss Program is brought to
you by the Yeshivah of Flatbush High School English Department and PTRE,
Parents and Teens Read for Enjoyment. Dinner will be provided by The Prime Cut.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Torah To Go Series: Parashat Noach
Stay tuned for weekly Dvar Torah presentations from our wonderful students. The Torah To Go Series is brought to you by the Spiritual Growth Commission.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Rabbi Benzion Klatzko Inspires Our Students
Judaism: Religion or Relationship
Rabbi Benzion Klatzko spoke to the students of the Yeshivah of Flatbush recently, posing the question,what is Judaism? The first assumption that most of us made was Judaism is a religion; after all what else would it be? If Rabbi Klatzko would be asking about Christianity, Buddhism, Islam etc that answer would be correct. We learned that Judaism, however, is much more than a religion. Every aspect of Judaism and being Jewish encompasses the idea of building and maintaining our relationship with G-d. Every single Mitzvah, Halacha and Minhag that we follow is for the sole purpose of bringing ourselves closer to G-d and confessing our love to him. Shabbat for example is our "date with G-d." It is the one day that we set aside to show G-d we will stop everything, because we love Him and want to spend time with Him. All week we are too busy to even think about G-d. It is hard with all that we have going on in the week to continuously build on that relationship. That one day a week where we try to connect to G-d the most is Shabbat. We are actively proclaiming our love to Him, and in return G-d promises to take care of us and help us throughout that week. G-d also allows us to do this through his Torah. It allows us to have a constant and ultimate relationship of giving and receiving with Him.
-Miriam Einhorn
Class 3HN
Class 3HN
Rabbi Klatzko is the founder of, a website which connects hundreds of Jews around the word for shabbat meals, shidduchim and more. As a hands-on and loveable ambassador for the Jewish faith, he reconnected literally thousands of young Jewish men and women to their heritage. He also made an impressive splash in the broader Jewish community, earning the moniker “The Hollywood Rabbi.” Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars and producers including cast and staff from Friends, Malcolm in the Middle, Third Rock From the Sun, and Directors and Vice Presidents of Sony, Disney, and Warner Brothers, became regulars at his popular monthly class on Jewish thought. Rabbi Klatzko and his family currently live in Monsey, New York, where hosting 50 or more people for Shabbos in the norm.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Chag Sameach!!
All of us at the Yeshivah of Flatbush would like to wish you a Chag Sameach!
Shanah Tovah U'Metukah!
Art display created by Mr. Jason Novetsky
Shanah Tovah U'Metukah!
SGC News
The goal of the Spiritual Growth Commission (SGC) is to inspire students to strive for Torah growth in a meaningful and interactive way both in school and beyond. Students create original art to express Torah values, utilize technology to connect to mitzvot, and fortify individual character traits. On Wednesday, September 28th, before Rosh Hashanah, a group of students went to hear Rabbi Reuven Feinstein give a special shiur.
Check out one student's reaction and more information about the SGC in the first issue of the SGC News:
Monday, October 10, 2011
Helping the Hungry
Imagine going down to the kitchen for breakfast and finding the pantry empty...
Coming home from a long day of school with nothing to eat on the table...
Unfortunately, this is the case for hundreds of families in our community.
Let's help change this!
At the Yeshivah of Flatbush High School, we realize the need to help and get involved. We are offering an opportunity to help in this great mitzvah!
We have created a new commission to address this pressing issue in our community. This new commission, titled Helping the Hungry, will be managed by student commissioner Hiram Haddad.
This commission will begin cooking for our community on Wednesdays after school from 4:00-5:15. You can learn to prepare a variety of entrees, dinners and desserts. All of the food prepared in this course will be sent to needy families who can then enjoy delicious homemade dinners.
Nov. 2 & 23, Dec. 7 & 21, Feb. 1 & 22, March 14 & 28, May 2 & 23
Cost: $10 weekly to cover cost of ingredients.
Sign up for as many weeks as you prefer.
Chesed Hours will be given
To register, sponsor or volunteer, please email:
Rochelle Dweck Hiram Haddad
Ricci Haddad Shifra Hanon
Lisa Klein
Some of our Chefs:
Shifra Hanon, Tami Morano, Lesley Chera, Giselle Dayan, Amy Sasson, Claire Frasti, Paulette Dweck,Rosie Dayan, Lisa Klein, Norma Shamosh, Robin Dweck, Sara Harari, Rebecca Maleh, Linda Ebani, Ester Jerome.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Sunday Morning Learning
Many Yeshivah of Flatbush students, parents, alumni, and faculty crowded into the school early Sunday morning for our first Sunday Morning Learning program of the year. Sunday Morning Learning is an extracurricular Torah learning program that is held once a month. The program starts off with Tefilah at 9:00 am followed by a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, students gather in Chavrutot to study the sources that will be discussed in a shiur that follows. The shiur is an exciting lesson given by a member of the Flatbush faculty. The most recent shiur was given to us by Mr. Justin Engel, one of our teachers, Sophomore grade advisor, and SML coordinator. His shiur was about Rosh Hashanah and gettting ready for the Chagim of Tishrei. Other topics discussed at SML include the chagim, parashat hashavuah, or a concept in Jewish thought.
Sunday Morning Learning is the best way to start off a Sunday.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Phoenix Online
The first edition of The Phoenix, the school's online newspaper, for this year was recently published. Check out these amazing articles:
Monday, September 26, 2011
Commission Fair 2011
Today the SGO hosted the annual Commission Fair for all of our students. The commission fair provides students with an opportunity to explore their interests and hobbies by learning about and signing up for the plethora of commissions, clubs, teams and groups that our school has to offer. From performing groups to athletic teams to academic clubs - a wide range of activities are a available to fit a wide range of student interests. Some examples of the student activities that were displayed include: the Chessed Commission, the Chess Team, the Peer Tutoring Commission, the Investment Club, and even the EKO Commission who are committed to making the Yeshivah and our community as eco-friendly as possible. Most of our students are involved in multiple student activities, which enriches their Flatbush experience.
Friday, September 23, 2011
College Visits to Penn and Drexel Universities
Bright and early on a sunny Monday morning in September, a group of 16 seniors and juniors accompanied by 4 members of the College Guidance staff, went down to Philadelphia to visit Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania. Our first stop was at Drexel’s Admissions Office, where we had a private information session with an admissions counselor. The session was held in a magnificent room with classical paintings, making us feel as though we were in an art museum. We learned all about the wonderful opportunities Drexel offers, such as its co-op program and its central urban location.
After a tour of the campus, including many of Drexel’s newest buildings and its brand new biowall, we departed for the Penn campus – right next door. Our first stop was lunch at the Hillel. Several Flatbush alums, including Rita Wahba, Mourad Kattan, Abe Sutton, Joseph Sutton and Lisa Piontnica, joined us for a delicious lunch. Afterwards, we made our way down Locust Walk for an information session and student-led tour of campus. We saw the beautiful quads, state of the art classrooms and athletic facilities – and even ran into another Flatbush alum, Dovie Rosenberg, on his way to class. Our last stop of the day was back at the Hillel where we had a chance to informally chat with several other Flatbush alums, such as Mordechai Fried, and Leron Arama. We were also greeted by Debbie Yunker, the Assistant Director of Hillel. All in all, we had an informative and fun trip, experiencing these two wonderful colleges first-hand.
All of our students agreed – visiting colleges is the only way to really find out if they are the right fit for you!
~Ms. Rachel Natov, College Guidance Counselor
After a tour of the campus, including many of Drexel’s newest buildings and its brand new biowall, we departed for the Penn campus – right next door. Our first stop was lunch at the Hillel. Several Flatbush alums, including Rita Wahba, Mourad Kattan, Abe Sutton, Joseph Sutton and Lisa Piontnica, joined us for a delicious lunch. Afterwards, we made our way down Locust Walk for an information session and student-led tour of campus. We saw the beautiful quads, state of the art classrooms and athletic facilities – and even ran into another Flatbush alum, Dovie Rosenberg, on his way to class. Our last stop of the day was back at the Hillel where we had a chance to informally chat with several other Flatbush alums, such as Mordechai Fried, and Leron Arama. We were also greeted by Debbie Yunker, the Assistant Director of Hillel. All in all, we had an informative and fun trip, experiencing these two wonderful colleges first-hand.
All of our students agreed – visiting colleges is the only way to really find out if they are the right fit for you!
~Ms. Rachel Natov, College Guidance Counselor
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Freshman Night/Day
This week, the Yeshivah orchestrated a wonderful Freshman induction program over the course of two days.
Comprised of both Freshman Night and Freshman Day, these programs are designed to help freshmen acclimate to the unique culture of the Yeshivah.
The night program involved freshmen, parents and their senior mentors. The freshman played games and had discussions with their senior mentors. They discussed topics such as bullying and friendship. They also had a lot of fun by playing games. One senior mentor described it best:
“The Freshman program allows newcomers to start fresh and make new friends. I was very glad to see how students where introducing themselves to others beyond their circles. Whether through committees, clubs or teams, Flatbush teaches their students strategies and social skills that they will use in the rest of their lives.”
On Freshman Day, the students had a chance to spend a day in the park playing around, competing in races and contests, eating lunch and even fishing. The students got a chance to meet students who are not necessarily in their class or their normal group of friends. By the end of the day, everyone had a really great time and had lots of fun. Many also made new friends.
When the day was over, one freshman summed it all up by saying, "These past two days have been great! I am looking forward to spending the next four years together with my grade in Flatbush!"
The night program involved freshmen, parents and their senior mentors. The freshman played games and had discussions with their senior mentors. They discussed topics such as bullying and friendship. They also had a lot of fun by playing games. One senior mentor described it best:
“The Freshman program allows newcomers to start fresh and make new friends. I was very glad to see how students where introducing themselves to others beyond their circles. Whether through committees, clubs or teams, Flatbush teaches their students strategies and social skills that they will use in the rest of their lives.”
On Freshman Day, the students had a chance to spend a day in the park playing around, competing in races and contests, eating lunch and even fishing. The students got a chance to meet students who are not necessarily in their class or their normal group of friends. By the end of the day, everyone had a really great time and had lots of fun. Many also made new friends.
When the day was over, one freshman summed it all up by saying, "These past two days have been great! I am looking forward to spending the next four years together with my grade in Flatbush!"
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
From the Football field to the Beit Midrash

Monday, September 12, 2011
Yeshivah of Flatbush Remembers 9/11
Today we were fortunate to experience a very special 9/11 memorial program at the Yeshivah. We listened to personal recollections and experiences from members of our staff and learned about the different aspects of that day, and the months of recovery afterward. Rabbi Rosenblum, our valued teacher and college guidance counselor, organized the entire program and put together an emotional and stirring memorial of that day
We were fortunate to hear Mr. John Cardo, a member of our security staff and retired NYPD officer, describe his experiences on that day and working at the ground zero site for months afterward. We are thankful to him for his service to our country, our city and now to our Yeshivah.
Despite the tragedy, we were shown glimmers of hope. Mr. Blumenthal, our Associate Administrator and member of Chevra Hatzolah, related a touching story of a woman who went into labor as the towers fell, giving birth to new life among the ashes and destruction surrounding them. Mrs. Kaplowitz, another one of our valued teachers, recounted her experiences volunteering at ground zero, providing both emotional and physical nourishment to those working at the ground zero site. Rabbi Rosenblum related the loss of his brother. The stories were moving, but they all had a common thread: when we work together and move towards a common goal, with respect and courtesy for one another, we can overcome anything.
In conjunction with the memorial assembly, Mr. Novetsky, our very talented art teacher, created an interactive art exhibit. Faculty and students were invited to share thoughts and feelings about 9/11 by using chalk on the exhibit itself. The exhibit provided an emotional, living memory to remind us of our country's perseverance and fortitude during the worst attack on American soil in U.S. History.
We would like to thank Rabbi Rosenblum, Ms. Kaplowitz, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Cardo and Victor Dweck for their contributions to our 9/11 Memorial Program. We all were touched by their recollections of that time.
If you have any thoughts, feelings or reactions to today's assembly please submit them - we will be posting a few on our site. Feel free to submit video responses as well. Email all thoughts and responses to
Monday, September 5, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Welcome to My Flatbush Life!
Life at the Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School is unique. It has a special atmosphere that can only truly be shared through experience.
Our goal is to share some of our wonderful experiences with you. On this website we will showcase some of the amazing things going on in the Yeshivah - both inside and outside of the classroom. We will include written accounts as well as pictures and videos from some of the special events happening in the Yeshivah. From our famous student productions, to chesed events and activities, to our amazing and award winning sports and academic teams - there is always something wonderful going on. We will also showcase the innovations being made daily by our wonderful teachers to make the classroom experience more engaging and relevant to our students. We hope to share with the entire Flatbush community (students, faculty, parents, families, and alumni) as well as the entire online community what it is like to experience Flatbush, or what our students call it - My Flatbush Life.
Our goal is to share some of our wonderful experiences with you. On this website we will showcase some of the amazing things going on in the Yeshivah - both inside and outside of the classroom. We will include written accounts as well as pictures and videos from some of the special events happening in the Yeshivah. From our famous student productions, to chesed events and activities, to our amazing and award winning sports and academic teams - there is always something wonderful going on. We will also showcase the innovations being made daily by our wonderful teachers to make the classroom experience more engaging and relevant to our students. We hope to share with the entire Flatbush community (students, faculty, parents, families, and alumni) as well as the entire online community what it is like to experience Flatbush, or what our students call it - My Flatbush Life.
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